Anyhow, I suppose they were just giving the people what they want. This is a very small town in the middle of nowhere, Amish country that seems to have a very high percentage of beautiful women. But, seriously, it did feel like many of the woman were thrown on screen only to serve that purpose. And I’d follow with a quick: welp, I guess we’ll get to see what she looks like naked! Sometimes with probably a little too much zeal for her taste. Hipster and I would turn to each other and ask who we think she’s going to have sex with. Every time a new female character is introduced, Ms.

Banshee tv reviews series#
In the series and in the fictional town in PA after which the series is named. So, as you can guess, there is a lot of doin’ it in Banshee. So, I suppose in order to ease people into its first real foray into a “premium” drama/action, Cinemax couldn’t totally pivot away from its core constituency and its defining touchstone (so to speak): sex. You get it there were lots of adult situations. It was in those films that Cinemax found its place in the market and expanded into original soft-core programming about sexy cops and sexy co-eds and sexy radio DJs. But, hey, they had lots of mysterious, foreign sex. They were dubbed into bad English and gauzy and just absolutely terrible. It was the network that adolescent me (and everyone else lucky enough to have premium cable in the 1980s) could tune in to to watch the French soft-core porn Emmanuelle series of films. After all, Cinemax didn’t get the nickname Skinemax for nothing. It seems that Banshee couldn’t quite escape its Cinemax pedigree, either. Even if it had absolutely no vampires or creatures of the occult. In fact, I’d say it mirrored the sex, violence and complete disregard for narrative continuity pretty closely. And while Ball didn’t create this series, as he did those others, it certainly had a lot more in common with the True Blood than anyone could point to as coincidence.

After all, the series was produced by Alan Ball, creator of the awesome Six Feet Under, but also the uneven and also absurdly silly True Blood. While watching Banshee, I found myself asking this litany of questions on a fairly regular basis: Are we supposed to be taking this seriously? Is this farce? Is this supposed to be hammy and over-the-top and completely, insanely ridiculous? After four seasons, the answer remained unclear.